The Beer Distribution Game was originally developed at MIT in the 1950s to illustrate how difficult it is to manage dynamic systems – in this case the dynamic system is a supply chain that delivers beer from a brewery to the end consumer. Play with our implementation of the Beer Distribution Game and learn about strategies to optimize the supply chain.
Making professional service firms grow is hard – you not only need to compete for business, but also for the professionals that deliver your services. You have to allocate their time wisely between business development and project delivery. Test your skills in our interactive game.
Whenever you need to make predictions about complex situations you have little prior experience with, models and simulations are a good starting point to explore the situation and to make qualitative and quantitative predictions about how the situation may develop. Play with our COVID-19 simulation and see how social distancing can slow the spreading of the virus.
Mastering The Complexity of Service Transformation
Modern, digitized services rely on a complex web of people, processes and IT, often spanning multiple organizations. Designing new business services in such a complex environment is hard … but it is just as hard to implement them and bring them to market in a timely manner.
Design better business models and product-market strategies: build quantitative models and simulations that help you to explore the implications of new strategies and business designs in a creative, fun and yet systematic way. Use sound estimations and historical data to make simulations as realistic as possible and use them as a basis for understanding how the future may develop.