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Business Transformation Services

Are you planning to transform your business model or your organisation? Do you need assistance while driving it forward? We can help you out!

What is it About?

The transformation of an enterprise takes place at various levels and can have different starting points.
A frequent initiator of transformation is the adaptation of products, services or processes to changing market requirements or new technological possibilities.
But it can and should also be about rethinking business models, creating new value and conquering markets. The driver in transformation is profitability, and mostly such changes also affect the organization. 
We help our customers transform their business - whether they want to digitize their business model or make their business processes more efficient and effective with the use of modern technology.
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Who is it For?

Whether you are a C-level manager or in any other position in charge of a transformation process in your enterprise, you are at the right spot!

How do we do it?

We get all stakeholders on board, gather relevant information and help them clarify their vision, resulting in a shared picture of where you would like to be.
In doing so, we analyze your business model from different perspectives and find the necessary approaches to achieve the goals you have set.
Before we implement these approaches, we validate possible effects on your enterprise: we collect relevant figures, data, facts and opinions and, if necessary, create models and simulations.  
We then use the insights gained as guidance in putting the approach into action: from the selection of suitable technologies and suppliers to the planning and implementation of changes to your business model, organization and technology landscape.
All the while, we keep an eye not only on processes, structures and data, but also on the people affected by change and your emotions.
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What Should I do Next?

Get in touch with us for any further information. We are happy to help you in your business transformation challenge!

Our Service Offering

Your Challenge

  • Improve the economic efficiency of your enterprise and the efficacy of your organisation
  • Design new products, services and revenue models and strengthen your business model
  • Validate new business ideas before putting them into practice
  • Align your organisation and IT-Landscape to new business models
  • Keep sight of the big picture without getting lost in details
  • Master the complexity of transforming your enterprise
  • Our Expertise

  • Expericenced in corporations, with a broad business understanding
  • Tailoring our scalable consulting approach to your individual situation
  • Quickly collect numbers, data, facts and opinions and clarify relationships
  • Present complex issues in a way that is easy to understand
  • Develop a shared understanding of challenges and approaches to solutions
  • Many years of experience in managing complex transformation processes
  • Our Services


  • In-depth analyses of your business model and your organization in terms of value creation, effectiveness and efficiency
  • Develop concepts to redesign your business model and align your organization and technology landscape. This includes, in particular, data and digitization strategies
  • Develop a transformation strategy and manage ensuing transformation programms
  • Set up governance structures for the resulting organizational changes
  • Engineering

  • Gather and analyze numbers, data, facts and opinions
  • Develop interactive models and simulations of business models and markets
  • Develop interactive models and simulations of business processes
  • Extended Workbench

  • Business Analysts
  • Financial Analyst
  • Business Architects
  • Project and Transformation Managers
  • Our Focus Is On Your Enterprise

    We tailor our approach to your individual situation, involve all stakeholders and deliver aligned results, accelerating your transformation.
    business transformation

    Our Partners

    We have long standing partnerships with makers of tools for enterprise architecture, transformation management and enterprise analytics.
    isee systems

    Start Transforming With Us

    We love discussing and thinking through transformation challenges, and there are many opportunities to get to know us. We will be thrilled to learn about YOUR challenge!
    Kick-start your business prototyping effort: an intensive sprints leads you from initial ideas to an initial prototype of your business model or market strategy.
    Book a Business Prototyping Lab
    Tailor a transformation team to suit your needs: Project Managers, Enterprise Architects, Business Analysts, Management Scientists
    Hire a Business Transformation Team
    Are you ready for digital transformation?
    Take Part in a Transformation Assessment

    Get In Touch

    Oliver Grasl

    Managing Director
    Please get in touch with Oliver to discuss ideas of how we can help you transform your business.



    Upcoming Events

    Leveraging Systems Thinking for Enterprise Transformation
    Systems ThinkingAgilityagile Organizationagile Transformation
    Leveraging Systems Thinking for Enterprise Transformation

    Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 2 hours German

    How to use Systems Thinking to transform Enterprises successfully

    Featured Blog Posts

    Read our blog posts and stay up to date with new technologies and best practices.
    Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation
    Big PictureComplexityBusiness Transformationenterprise architecture
    Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation

    Oliver Grasl - Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    A conceptual model that puts the principles into perspective
    Mobility Business Models in Times of AI And Digitization
    MobilityBig DataBusiness ModelAdvanced Analytics
    Mobility Business Models in Times of AI And Digitization

    Max Erdrich - Monday, July 9, 2018

    An overview of technological trends in the transformation of the mobility market and underlying business models
    How do You Make Money in Your Business?
    BPTKBusiness ModelEnterprise Analytics
    How do You Make Money in Your Business?

    Oliver Grasl - Friday, June 7, 2013

    The key ingredients needed to create value

    Further Resources

    Exciting case studies, interesting tutorials and useful toolkits.
    Make Your PSF Grow
    Make Your PSF Grow

    Making professional service firms grow is hard – you not only need to compete for business, but also for the professionals that deliver your services. You have to allocate their time wisely between business development and project delivery. Test your skills in our interactive game.
    Make Your Startup Grow
    Make Your Startup Grow

    Design better business models and product-market strategies: build quantitative models and simulations that help you to explore the implications of new strategies and business designs in a creative, fun and yet systematic way. Use sound estimations and historical data to make simulations as realistic as possible and use them as a basis for understanding how the future may develop.
    Contact us

    Get in Touch

    We'd love to hear from you! We are more than happy to discuss your business needs. Our team of experts will respond to your inquiry within 1 working day and work with you to develop a tailored solution that meets your unique needs.