Get in Touch

Dr. Oliver Grasl

Managing Director
Oliver Grasl co-founded transentis in 1997 and has been managing partner ever since.
After reading mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University and the University of Innsbruck, and a brief foray into software development, he later specialized in business engineering at the University of St. Gallen (Executive MBA, Dr. oec.).
Oliver’s personal mission is to help enterprises transform into data-driven, analytical organizations.
He blogs regularly on our blog and is the organizer of both the Transforming Enterprises Meetup and the Business Prototyping Toolkit Meetup.
Oliver lectures on Big Data Analytics at SRH Mobile University and on Enterprise Architecture at HTW Berlin.
Contact Oliver at, connect on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter @ograsl.


  • Prototyping business models and market strategies
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Planning and leading complex business transformations

Market Experience

Oliver's main focus is on the mobility sector:
  • Automotive
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Transport and Logistics
Over the years, he has gained experience in many other sectors:
  • Energy
  • Material Science
  • Professional Services
  • Telecommunication
  • Tobacco



Selected Posts
Understanding The Beer Distribution Game

Understanding The Beer Distribution Game

Using Systems Thinking to improve game results

Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation

Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation

A conceptual model that puts the principles into perspective

Training Artificial Intelligence to Play The Beer Distribution Game

Training Artificial Intelligence to Play The Beer Distribution Game

A brief introduction to agent-based modeling and reinforcement learning, applied to the Beer Distribution Game

How do You Make Money in Your Business?

How do You Make Money in Your Business?

The key ingredients needed to create value

Seven Levers That Influence Your Revenue

Seven Levers That Influence Your Revenue

The dynamics of customer development and seven levers that influence your revenue
