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Digital Transformer Services

Are you planning to perform a digital transformation in your enterprise or do you need assistance while driving it forward? We can help you out!

What is it About?

The digital transformation of an enterprise takes place at different levels. It is not just about technology, it is about radically rethinking your products and services using technology as an enabler. We help our clients explore the potential of new technologies and to master the complexity of the ensuing transformation.
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Who is it For?

Whether you are a C-level manager or in any other position in charge of a transformation process in your enterprise, you are at the right spot!
Together, we will clarify your vision of where you would like to be and work out the implications on your business, operations and IT-landscape.

How do we do it?

By providing our Enterprise Architecture and Transformation Services and using our expertise in architecture-centric transformation methodology as well as our broad knowledge of the state of the art enterprise architecture tools and standards we have been successfully managing complex digital transformation projects with many of our customers. Below you can read more about our approach.
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What Should I do Next?

Get in touch with us for any further information and learn more about you digital transformation. We are happy to give you the first direction on your digitization journey!

Our Service Offering

Your Challenge

  • Keep sight of the big picture without getting lost in details
  • Design digital business models, products and services
  • Align your organisation and IT-Landscape to new business models
  • Master the complexity of transforming your enterprise
  • Explore the potential of new technologies
  • Choose appropriate (IT-)suppliers
  • Choose an appropriate (information-)technology
  • Our Expertise

  • Blueprints and patterns for adaptive enterprises
  • Analytics-driven and architecture-centric transformation methodology
  • Enterprise modeling using ArchiMate, BPMN, DMN and UML
  • TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
  • Agile methodology (Scrum, SAFe)
  • Project management (Prince, PMBOK)
  • Business transformation platforms (Ardoq, BizzDesign)
  • Facilitating large workshops, both online and offline
  • Conducting and presenting feasibility studies
  • Managing teams of internal and external experts with diverse backgrounds
  • Our Services


  • Set up an internal transformation management capability
  • Set up an internal enterprise architecture practice
  • Digitize a business model or process
  • Develop a digitization strategy
  • Design business processes and specify IT systems
  • Design a solution architecture
  • Ensure organisational readiness and plan transition
  • Conduct a feasibility study
  • Blueprint the architecture of an enterprise
  • Develop a transformation strategy and manage ensuing transformation programms
  • Manage a transformation programme
  • Engineering

  • Generate architectural overviews, specifications and progress reports from models
  • Extended Workbench

  • Project and Transformation Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Enterprise Architects
  • Workshop

  • Transformation Design Sprint
  • Master Transformation Complexity
  • Our Approach is Agile, Scalable, Collaborative And we Support The Entire Transformation Process

    We involve all stakeholders, start small, iterate fast and deliver results quickly.
    Service Graphic EN
    We support the entire transformation process, from early ideation to the launch of new products, services and IT systems throughout your enterprise and markets.
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    Our Partners

    We have long standing partnerships with makers of tools for enterprise architecture, transformation management and enterprise analytics.
    isee systems

    Start Transforming With us

    We love discussing and thinking through transformation challenges and there are many opportunities to get to know us. We will be very happy to learn about YOUR challenge!
    Tailor a transformation team to suit your needs: Project Managers, Enterprise Architects, Business Analysts, Management Scientists
    Hire a Digital Transformation Team
    Are you ready for digital transformation?
    Take Part in a Transformation Assessment

    Get In Touch

    Ognjen Manojlovic

    Principal Consultant
    Please contact Ognjen to discuss how we can help you to master your digital transformation program.



    Upcoming Events

    Leveraging Systems Thinking for Enterprise Transformation
    Systems ThinkingAgilityagile Organizationagile Transformation
    Leveraging Systems Thinking for Enterprise Transformation

    Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 2 hours German

    How to use Systems Thinking to transform Enterprises successfully

    Featured Blog Posts

    Read our blog posts and stay up to date with new technologies and best practices.
    How to Deal With Requirements in Flawed Projects
    Business AnalysisEnterprise ArchitectUMLPolarion
    How to Deal With Requirements in Flawed Projects

    Igor Tunjic - Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Some examples of what can go wrong with requirements management in large, distributed projects and how to fix this
    Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation
    Big PictureComplexityBusiness Transformationenterprise architecture
    Ten Key Principles of Business Transformation

    Oliver Grasl - Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    A conceptual model that puts the principles into perspective
    How to Master The Complexity of Service Transformation
    Enterprise ArchitectEnterprise Studio
    How to Master The Complexity of Service Transformation

    Matthias Voss - Sunday, March 22, 2020

    An interview with our CEO and some key ideas on how to approach transformation complexity

    Further Resources

    Exciting case studies, interesting tutorials and useful toolkits.
    Mastering The Complexity of Service Transformation
    Mastering The Complexity of Service Transformation

    Modern, digitized services rely on a complex web of people, processes and IT, often spanning multiple organizations. Designing new business services in such a complex environment is hard … but it is just as hard to implement them and bring them to market in a timely manner.
    Transforming Enterprises Meetup
    Transforming Enterprises Meetup

    A meetup about exploring, re-designing and transforming enterprises: prototyping business models and market strategies, architecture and analytics for the adaptive enterprise, mastering transformation complexity.

    Featured Consultants Focused On Digital Transformer Services

    Contact us

    Get in Touch

    We'd love to hear from you! We are more than happy to discuss your business needs. Our team of experts will respond to your inquiry within 1 working day and work with you to develop a tailored solution that meets your unique needs.